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A search for 'Flash Of Genius' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. Dot Da Genius

536 matches in tracks
  1. Back Home (01:55)
    from Varèse Sarabande: A 35th Anniversary Celebration
    from "Flash of Genius" (Aaron ZIGMAN)
  2. Johnny & Flash at Fairweather; Jeemie is Found; The Ambush; Flash Dies (05:11)
    from Raintree County
    (side 4)
  3. Jiohnny & Flash at fairweather: Jeemie is found: The Ambush: Flash Dies: (05:13)
    from Raintree County
  4. Flash (Flash Gordon) (00:00)
    from X Tracks - The Best Of Sci-Fi Themes, The
  5. Boy Genius (02:52)
    from Omen, The
  6. F**kin' Genius (04:59)
    from Everlasting Piece, An
  7. Genius (02:37)
    from Natural Selection
  8. I’m A Genius (00:36)
    from Hollow Man
  9. Little Genius (01:35)
    from Who Gets The House?
  10. The Boy's A Genius (01:24)
    from Desperate Romantics
  11. F**kin' Genius (04:59)
    from Everlasting Piece, An
  12. He's a Genius (03:19)
    from Batman Unlimited: Mechs Vs. Mutants
  13. You're A Genius (06:18)
    from Ruby Sparks
  14. BOY GENIUS (02:52)
    from Omen, The
  15. Prelude to White Flash/White Flash Prophets (04:25)
    from Star Trek Collection: The Final Frontier
  16. The Genius Suite (05:44)
    from Visionnaire, Le
  17. Moments Of Genius (00:49)
    from Shine
  18. genius in a game-pod (00:52)
    from eXistenZ
  19. genius in a game-pod (00:52)
    from eXistenZ
  20. She Sang Beyond the Genius of the Sea (04:16)
    from Sirens
Show all 536 matching tracks